Sunday 14 October 2018

An important motivational tip for success: Never ever give up!

Easier said than done!

Maybe, but it is not easy for everyone to say 'never give up' or 'never ever give up'. It needs a lot of courage to utter these words earnestly to someone who has experienced repeated setbacks or to ourselves as self-talk in the form of a positive affirmation when we do not have a clue what to do in the midst of turmoil. We all agree words have the power to instill positive energy but most of the time we feel like words hurting, the negative energy of filthy tongues inflicting deep wounds on us that take a long time to heal. And the so-called 'well-wishers', 'friends', 'acquaintances' etc. by some social mechanism become talented in poking at these wounds, again and again, applying hot chilly also in a good measure so that they remain non-healing. The human mind is sensitive to the negative life events with fear-flight response to a serious stimulus overpowering the emotions of positive occurrences. It requires a lot of effort on the part of the sufferer to overcome such fears fighting the demons of negativity by pumping positive energy into one's own mind. If someone persistently talks positively with conviction, then that will be a great motivating factor! We need powerful and skilfull motivators in life. 

Some people have the habit of not giving up until they succeed. Even if they fail they will continue trying until they attain their goals. Such traits are not acquired overnight, they are the results of years of practice. It is interesting to find out how a habit is formed. First, we get some clue from the world we live in about something good which triggers thought processes in our brain. We weigh the pros and cons of this particular thing whether to accept it or discard. If it is accepted then slowly we start doing it bit by bit, then the action phase begins. If we feel good there is a high probability that we will repeat the process until it becomes a habit. With the happiness derived from this activity, there occurs a reinforcing pattern of thoughts which strengthens the habit. The process is the same with bad habits as well, sadly such things easily get ingrained in our minds. 

It is better to believe that there will be light at the end of the dark tunnel. Some solution will pop up one day or the other for even the most serious problem and with the passage of time, we tend to feel less the trauma. Such bad phases will eventually pass, do not worry too much! Be hopeful.  The important thing remember is to do something or never stop trying. In short, it is:

Never ever give up!
  • It is advisable to say 'I will never give up' as a positive affirmation to replace the negative self-talk to help the mind generate positive energy. Make it a habit that will steer clear the obstacles bringing the desired results.
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Thursday 13 September 2018

Spiritual energy; be ready to receive it!

Aum! Vakrathunda mahakaya
Kotisoorya samaprabha
Nirvighnam kurumedeva
Sarvakaryeshu sarvada!

I thought of writing a post today about Ganesha Chathurthi, a popular festival to invoke the blessings of God Ganapathy celebrated across India and various Asian countries like Nepal and Thailand. 

According to Hinduism blessings of God Ganapathy, son of God Shiva and Goddess Parvathy is essential to get rid of the obstacles and hindrances in any venture one undertakes. Be it business, studies, career or life in general people seek blessings of God Ganapathy as the very first ritual. He is known by different names like Ganesha, Vighneshwara, Vinayaka etc. and has a popular prayer depicting the 108 names the chanting of which is considered auspicious during the Vinayaka Chathurthi day.

May God Ganapathy bless you all!
  • Spiritual energy is one of the means to achieve success. By allowing the universal energy to flow through we allow ourselves to be in sync with nature which helps us to understand better, and accept the realities in life.
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Sunday 5 August 2018

Ego and superego - recognize it, tackle it...

We meet egoistic people everywhere.

This, of course, is quite normal, ego is something every human being possess. But consider a situation when a human being behaves completely dominated by the superego without any regard for the people, surroundings, and things in the environment. A lot of people can relate to such instances of interaction with problematic, toxic, venomous humans who spread negative energy all over. There will not be any difference of opinion in stating the fact that dealing with such a situation, and interaction with such individuals is a difficult thing.

The most important point here is the identification of such an ego state in an individual. This is something people often fail to notice. Such giant sized egoistic bullies are experts at identifying weak targets and almost always will be part of an influential lobby with some Godfather protection. They themselves do not have any individuality, character, or self-esteem. But they derive their happiness by poking fun, finding faults, and creating trouble for the less dominant people thereby making their lives problematic. Even if we do something great or act heroic, do not expect they will behave nicely.

The situation is very common, the facts are crystal clear, and just always remember this fact. A well-wisher will never ever make you uncomfortable, feel mediocre or negatively criticize! They will not judge you. So listen to such people only and not to others who try to bring you down whatever good you do.

  • Be on the lookout for the negative energy, always keep the eyes and ears open detecting it; the moment it gets detected wear the psychological armor, get away, cleanse the mind, body, and soul asap. 

  • Note: Please read the DISCLAIMER attached to this blog.
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    Monday 1 January 2018

    Happy New Year 2018

    I wish all my blogger friends and the readers a very happy, healthy, and prosperous new year filled with happiness, and bliss. As usual, our city adorned with glitter and glamour celebrated the arrival of the new year in a grand fashion much to the residents' happiness. The beginning of the new year is an opportunity to start everything fresh, to re-assess, to modify, and to drop bad things.

    Check this new year video
    • Let us do our best to make the world a better place to live.
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    Monday 25 December 2017

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


    I wish all my blogger friends and the readers of this blog a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Christmas is a time of happiness, peace, and hope. Likewise, the new year brings us a chance to begin or redo what we plan to, in other words, we are given an opportunity to rewind the time to go to the past! Festive seasons are times of joy, celebration,& satisfaction. The general mood of the community is of happiness which makes everyone in the society delightful. Utilize such occasions to inject maximum positivity into the mind, reduce stress and do not forget to laugh out loud! Make such celebrations a time to recharge the batteries of energy, declutter the mind, and to radiate positive energy all around. 

    Enjoy life, have fun, and May God Bless You All!

    Please visit my YouTube channel, I have just uploaded a new video on this beautiful day.  Write some comments there also and please do not forget to subscribe😊

    • Utilize the positive energy getting radiated everywhere during the festive season to energize, de-stress, and to develop ourselves more and more.

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    Saturday 23 December 2017

    History and heritage - how are they important in personal development?

    All academic textbooks will dedicate some pages, that too, in the beginning, to the history of the topic it deals with. People proudly exhibit valuable possessions from the past in front of their business establishments and the same is true in the case of households as well, all across the world. We all get inspired by the wonderful things from the past, amazing creations and inventions of our forefathers and strive hard to protect the heritage sites, preserve them and learn from them to enrich history. Are those things from the past outdated, irrelevant and not something to spend time and money upon? Unfortunately, such thoughts, attitudes, and the resultant actions destroyed many treasures of the past.

    We often hear about 'the theory revisited, lessons from history, what to learn from the past, things re-invented' etc. If we do not care or study the base upon which a topic has been developed we will not be able to understand it well, explain it clearly and in detail and to develop it further. Research is a continuous process, what we profess today will become history tomorrow. But the whole process has relevance and importance irrespective of the time frame. 

    The above picture is of the St. Francis CSI Church at Fort Kochi, in Kerala, South India. This is the first church built by the Europeans in India. This was built in 1503 by the Portuguese explorers and the most prominent among them was Vasco da Gama. He died in 1524 while he was at Fort Kochi and was buried here initially. His mortal remains were removed to Lisbon some years later. Portuguese built the Fort Emmanuel at the beach and the place gradually acquired the name Fort Kochi. 

    The culture, the lively environment, the things that shaped up what we see now, are all interlinked and this is a continuous process. This place is an internationally acclaimed tourist destination and without its rich heritage how could this place become what it is right now with so many people from all over the world visiting, each one contributing a little at the least to its culture? This cultural transformation is a dynamic process and the study of the past, present, and the future and not only the present and the future will help in further development of this beautiful place. It is only because of its vibrant, rich and lively past this amazing destination had gained a lot of popularity which will mesmerize everyone visiting and this is the reason they keep on coming back, for more and more. 
    • Past, present, and the future, the flow is continuous; it is a dynamic process and not separate entities. Learn from the past, cherish beautiful memories, live the present well, and build an awesome future!
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    Thursday 14 April 2016

    Enjoy festive season's positive energy to re-energize ourselves

    Happy Vishu
    Today, we in Kerala celebrated Vishu. 

    Vishu is an important festival in Kerala. This day marks the first day of the New year according to the traditional Malayalam calendar. In olden days harvest took place during this festive season.

    The yellow flower that you see on the image is 'Kanikkonna' (Cassia fistula), the most important item when we arrange "Vishukkani", for everyone in the family to see very first on that day when they get up early morning signifying prosperity and God's blessings throughout the year.

    I have written in detail about Vishu last year; please check :

    I wish you a very happy Vishu!
    • Festive season brings joy, peace and elevates mood. Such occasions bring a lot of positive energy. Celebrate it! 
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    Sunday 27 March 2016

    Wish you a very Happy Easter

    I wish all my blogger friends a very happy Easter!

    Enjoy Easter bunny chocolates, yummy eggs and celebrate the joyous occasion with your loved ones! 
    • Believe in God. He loves you unconditionally. He takes care of you even if no one loves you. You are always welcome into His open arms. Need not be ashamed to go to Him even if you believe you are a sinner. May God bless you all!
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    Wednesday 9 March 2016

    The importance of designated days in social life - International women's day

    International women's day is celebrated on March 8th every year.

    This year the theme is 'pledge for parity'. Celebrate the social, political, economic and cultural achievement of women.

    Equality, acceptance and gender-balanced leadership are essential for the continued and better contribution of women to the betterment of the world.

    • Such celebrations serve as an eye-opener to the various important issues that might not get adequate attention in the hectic day to day life of people. Such occasions stimulate us to take actions.
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    Sunday 14 February 2016

    Why some people pick up only negatives? How to tackle negatives in life? How to be positive?

    Negatives and positives are two sides of the same coin. A coin exists with these two aspects and they are part and parcel of it. There is no existence to the coin without these two facets. Everything connected with life, in general, has these two aspects.

    We cannot simply turn a blind eye towards the negatives. Likewise, stressing only the negatives also is foolish. In a place where yummy dishes and drinks flow freely somebody may think only of too much Cholesterol and Sugar and may discourage others not to touch anything and that amounts to absolute negativity but a warning not to indulge would be okay and cannot be termed negativity.

    Try to analyze the situation. Find out the positives and negatives. Analyze how to balance both. Make a plan to reduce the risks, negatives or take calculated risks. Likewise, the positives also need analysis. Will it tackle negatives? Are these things that we see real positives? Are we taking lightly the negatives and over stressing positives?

    Always listen to gut feelings, always...! 
    Never, ever ignore this emotion, never!
    Listen to inner talk, take some time and listen intently to what our subconscious mind is trying to tell us...!

    I am telling you this from my experience. In instances where I ignored what my real inner self was trying to tell me, I had trouble. I am quite sure you all can relate to this fact.

    There can be some instances where we can sound absolutely negative and being perceived as pessimistic. This usually happens when someone we trust betrays us when we get trapped in some tricky situations, forced to work with bad employers, when we get bullied, in the presence of manipulative parents, relatives, our loved ones and in front of unjust Authorities. Even naturally positive persons become pathetic in such situations. The manipulators will try to instill negativity in your mind and will accuse you of being negative. This is a cool trick! A person who is of the same league like them will not yield to such cunning tactics, but he/she will not fall prey to such traps in the first place :) They will know what to do to avoid such traps!

    Please look at the above scenarios carefully. Almost always, people who get bullied, cheated, trapped etc., are 'soft souls' who perceive the world as only black and white and turn a blind eye towards the grey/shady/dark areas. This world and the people that inhabit here have positives and negatives. Some are crooked, cunning and expert manipulators. They know how to exploit people, how to manipulate them for their gains, how to sugar coat poison, how to satisfy their lust pretending love and in a nutshell, they know 'how to 'manage' ordinary people! They psyche their victims and the poor souls think that everything is their fault. Bullies will target someone emotionally immature than them and soft-hearted. Those they are sure who will not resist or fight back are easy hits. They assume that the target, their parents, relatives, friends or well-wishers are weak/afraid/reluctant to complain or exert resistance. Anger, violence and character assassination are their tools. Those who are bullied think it is all their fault, they are 'psyched' into this attitude by the bullies. Countless examples of such reality situations are there in front of us! Joining a Company which has bad reputation, signing deals with cunning people, falling (often foolishly) in love with crooks, buying a product just by watching a colorful ad, ignoring bullying and not nipping it off from the bud itself, living foolishly allowing ourselves to get exploited by 'relatives', suffering silently in a bad relationship, not asking for help, refusing the help offered, not identifying being abused etc. are some of the examples.

    We have to be aware of the fact there are good and bad people in the world. There are criminals, murderers, and cheaters. The so-called 'good' people may turn bad if they allow themselves to fall into the company of bad people. Many people have 'layers'. There are many with no principles, morality or compassion. We live in such a complex society. Be aware of the fact that it is not all black and white everywhere; don't think that others too have the same thoughts of goodwill and pleasant feelings like we have about the things in the world.
    • Be assertive. This does not mean that we have to be rude, stubborn or sign up for martial arts. You are a human being like others and you also have equal rights. 
    • Listen to your inner voice. 
    • Say NO if you would like to say NO. Never say YES if you want to say NO. Need not respond curtly, try to be tactful, diplomatic and cool in saying NO. 
    • Join support groups. The internet is loaded with tons of info regarding many such emotional issues. There are so many online counseling sites. Share the problems with a trusted friend and never hesitate to consult a certified Mental health professional, if needed. This is difficult because such issues weaken the person making him/her indecisive. This makes them difficult to go to a professional all by themselves. If the problem is identified early this may possible.
    • Rather than getting confined into our own comfort zones, get involved with groups that tackle such issues in the Society. This will help us to know better about them and the peculiar issues. If by any chance we land up in such situations it will help us to face it better.
    Such issues are difficult to face all alone. It brings loneliness. They make people totally negative, their vibes become negative, and their friends and well-wishers get repelled from them eventually driving them into much more misery.

    If you are a true friend, offer help immediately if you detect such problems in their life. Be with them.

    Finally, don't think that the bullies and manipulators are the real winners. They are psychologically sick, they will perish, eventually. What goes around, comes around! Anyone moving against Nature, its laws, its energy will lose, one day or the other, no doubt whatsoever. It is only a matter of time. There are convincing examples of this fact in history, classics, personal experiences and in the present day world as well!
    • Getting bullied, exploited and abused cannot be considered as the result of a weak personality. The so-called 'sensitive', 'weak' personality is the result of manipulation, fine-tuning and cunningness by other individuals and situations. Negativity results from encounters with negative people. 
    Note: Please read the DISCLAIMER attached to this blog.
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