Wednesday 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas...2014

@Lulu mall
@Lulu mall
All my blogger friends...
Merry Christmas...

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Tuesday 23 December 2014

Awesome graffiti being created...Kochi - Muziris biennale 2014

It was really exciting to watch such an awesome graffiti being created!
A group of talented art students of RLV College of Music and fine arts, Tripunithura, Kerala are working to realize this art. Off Jew town road, on the wall in a narrow alley, we also could add some strokes on this magnificent art. Thank you, guys😊

Bright colors, superb drawing...!

Very interesting to watch them painting😊

The entrance of the Jew town street...walk just ten yards ahead, turn left and enjoy this wonderful creation!

Art is cool, powerful, uplifting, refreshing. Enjoy it, love it and be cool with it. It is a powerful tool for personal development, enlightenment, and soul nourishment. 
  • Graffiti is an art form that stirs souls.  Try doing it at least once...and enjoy the feeling :)
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Sunday 21 December 2014

Ryota kuwakubo, Lost # 12, play of light and shadow, electronic art installation

A fascinating electronic art installation by Ryota Kuwakubo at the Aspinwall House, the main venue of the Kochi Muziris Biennale 2014😊

An LED light attached to a moving toy train on rails creates shadows on the walls of the dark room as it passes through and alongside numerous objects most of which were collected from the shops in Kochi. Brilliant!

Well, the interpretation of the shadows is purely personal. I listened to the comments of the people who were there along with me. 

Different perceptions, same spectacle! After all, it is a familiar scenario in real life too...!

It was exciting to watch the shadows when the train entered the red basket top!

Thumbs up, Ryota😊

If you browse my blogs you will find more posts regarding some of the awesome artworks depicted in the Kochi - Muziris Biennale 2014.
  • Art in any form, anywhere by anybody is beautiful.
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Friday 19 December 2014

'Sea power', a beautiful art by Hew Locke at the Kochi - Muziris Biennale 2014

Wow, what a beautiful creation!
This art, named as 'Seapower', is created by the British artist Hew Locke at the Kochi - Muziris Biennale, currently taking place at Fort Kochi in Ernakulam, Kerala, India.

Vasco da Gama, his fleet and the explorations by him into the then-unknown places in the world are known to all of us. His arrival in India initiated a series of events in this part of the world that marked the beginning of globalization with trade and developments and also initiated many serious problems peppered by greed and cruelty that led to wars, invasion and subsequent colonization.

Vasco da Gama, died in Kochi in 1524 while on his third visit to India. His body was initially buried St. Francis CSI Church, Kochi. His mortal remains were taken back to Portugal later on.

The quest of the unknown, eagerness to know what lies far away in the horizon, and the journey into the vastness of the endless ocean by this man is always a topic of interest not only to history enthusiasts but also to artists as well. What better place than Fort Kochi to create a remarkable portrait as a tribute to this great explorer!

An awesome creation! Hats off to the artist ðŸ˜Š

Beautifully crafted with black beads and cord on the walls in one of the rooms in Aspinwall House, a centuries-old monument, this is a visual treat to the visitors and is simply magnificent! No wonder visitors spend quality time here immersed in the beauty of this wonderful portrait.

Kochi - Muziris Biennale 2014 is a wonderful event!

The first ever Biennale in India took place at Fort Kochi in 2012. It was a huge success. The current event is already a success with scores of people from all over the world visiting.

Aspinwall house is one of the main venues of this historic event. This is the view of this heritage building from the seaside.

Muziris is mentioned in many historical records and is thought to be in the vicinity of the present-day Kodungalloor, near Kochi. The popular version of the history says this ancient port disappeared during a flood in the river Periyar and then the new port, Kochi emerged.

Let this biennale bring it out from its mythical state to such immortal artistic forms that would never disappear. However, memories blossomed here will remain alive forever!

How to reach?
Fort Kochi is well connected by road, rail and ferry. Just get into a boat from the Boat jetty at off Marine drive opposite BSNL Office and within twenty minutes you can reach there. There are plenty of buses too.            ,_Kochi
  • Art is powerful. Art is therapeutic. Art is soothing.
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Sunday 30 November 2014

Peaks and valleys - a book review

A great book!

'Who moved my cheese ?' was the first book I read written by Dr. Spencer Johnson. What an awesome book it was! Enjoyed it so many times over all these years. Now another gem...'Peaks and valleys'!

The story revolves around a wise old man and a young chap about tackling successfully the low downsides in life and to make use of it too work for our own good both in work and life. It also details how we can enjoy more while at the peak, prolong this phase as well as to prepare ourselves to deal with the inevitable valley life in a better way.

Simply written, sure you all will enjoy this motivational book.
  • While at the peak, at the pinnacle of a career, basking in the glory of limelight we may not think how lonely it can become when a crisis hits. Books like these give hope, restore confidence and provide great help when nothing seems working. 
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Monday 18 August 2014

Creative ideas for success, an example - Wind catcher, an amazing traditional indoor temperature maintenance system!

Those who have traveled middle eastern countries might have noticed such tall cylindrical structures on top of buildings especially the old ones. These are actually 'wind catchers', they as the name suggests, literally 'catch' wind to direct the flow of it towards the interior of house creating a uniform airflow throughout, thus maintaining the temperature inside at a very cool level even in the hottest summer times when the temperature in the desert can go well above 50 degree Celsius. A marvelous traditional architectural innovation by the old generation that worked well effectively and is still relevant. Nowadays you will find many firms worldwide providing similar systems based on this unique concept to make our homes 'green'.

This system is very much environment-friendly.

Modern technology modified the traditional concept by adding solar powered fans to direct the flow inwards in a much more efficient manner. There are many technical things involved in the design of such wind-driven air management systems.

Well, I am not going into the technical details of this awesome innovation. Those who would like to know more please check

I googled to collect more info about wind catchers before posting this, wow...there are effective methods to remain 'cool' inside our homes during summer. In Kerala, day by day atmospheric temperature is going up, humidity levels are rising and rains becoming less. It is high time to conduct more research to find out 'greener methods' to make our life better.

We all have to learn a lot from our pasts; we have much more to learn from our ancestors. There is no denying the fact that they had more creative talents than us. Limited resources, the acute necessity to do things for survival, the day-to-day struggles to live life well, all made them work hard combined with the good human values that the society had at those times. Most of the innovations were made not with commercial eyes but with much better intentions for the betterment of human lives in general.

Things are possible, there is nothing like impossible! But the first step is always important. Start... action! We cannot learn to swim in water without getting into the water.

Be cool!
  • Our ancestors, with limited resources, were able to invent many things that made their life simpler. Wonder, how they could come out with such great innovations with very primitive technology at their disposal. Hats off to such creative minds!
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Saturday 16 August 2014

Relaxation - Enjoy seabreeze

'Abras', the traditional boats that ply the Dubai Creek
Enjoy sea breeze! Go to the beach and let the breeze unwind yourselves.

'Dhow', a sailing vessel, gliding through the waters!

An exhibit at the Dubai creek during the Dubai shopping festival 2011 - 12. Interesting attractions like these from many countries will be showcased like this during the festival time.

Entrance to Burdubai souq from the creek. Replicas, shawls, name it, it is all available here.

The famous Dubai dhow cruise. All illuminated dhows will be cruising here at night most of the days. Music, delicious food, dance, onboard magic shows etc. it is all fun! A must enjoy activity while in Dubai!!

Dubai creek at night during the DSF.

Enjoy these videos too :

A cool place to unwind after a hectic day of work, a peaceful spot to chill out, a hang out to sit quietly reading a! We need such things in life to live well. Natural methods to chill out bring everlasting wellness. Identify such cool spots and visit often. Allow some time for Nature to calm us.
  • Recreational activities like music, dance and good food are good stress busters. The most important point to remember is to enjoy the present moment, thoroughly.
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Friday 15 August 2014

Relax - Peringalkuthu reservoir, amazing natural beauty of Kerala!

Thank you guys for the beautiful comments about the posts of Athirappilly and Vazhachal waterfalls.

This post is about the Peringalkuthu dam reservoir along the Chalakkudy river, a short distance from the Peringalkuthu dam and hydroelectric project. This dam is situated deep in the forest; it is not open for visitors.

You will reach this reservoir spot within half an hour drive from the forest check post at the Vazhachal waterfalls on the way to Sholayar and Valparai. This road is right through the middle of the forest.
We spent a lot of time here clicking pictures. Beautiful :)

What a beautiful spot!
  • Feeling stressed out? Just browse through such pictures of natural beauty to cool your mind, body, and the soul.  
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Wednesday 6 August 2014

Hypnotic sights - Athirappilly waterfalls, beauty of Kerala

Athirappilly is an exotic destination in Kerala!

Awesome waterfalls, full of greenery all around, wonderful trekking, some is amazing!

Athirappilly is in the district of Thrissur (Trichur), near Chalakkudy about an hour's drive from the Kochi International Airport in South India.

Chalakkudy river originates from Anamudi in the western ghats, a mountain range in the western border of South India. This river runs through the Vazhachal forest division and at Athirappilly it runs through massive rocks resulting in spectacular waterfalls.

After plunging down from a height of nearly eighty feet it runs a turbulent course for some more distance before acquiring a smooth flow until Thumburmuzhi dam. An interesting fact is that we can view this falls from two locations, upper part from where it falls through a massive row of rocks and lower down - the spot where it plunges. We have to trek through the forest to reach this spot. This spot gives us the opportunity to view it from the front at a close range, a perfect chance to get a close-up view!

Trekking from the entrance to the falls was really fun. Plenty of monkeys all over the place😊 This is the only place where the unique, rare species of birds like Great Hornbill, Malabar Pied Hornbill, Malabar Grey Hornbill, and the Indian Grey Hornbill are found. Great Hornbill is the official State bird of Kerala. Such an ecologically important spot!

We visited here during the summer time. This place attracts a lot of tourists during monsoon when the waterfalls spread the whole of the rock bed instead of the three plumes we see in summer.

Be prepared for trekking right from the entrance to waterfalls. It is a little bit tiresome, but you will surely enjoy it😊

It was an unforgettable weekend!

Check these videos of waterfalls that I have uploaded in my Channel on YouTube :)
Please add some comments there too and 'like' :)

It is scientifically proved that the sights and sounds of waterfalls stimulate our brain to produce good chemicals that better our mood. Listening to self-hypnosis tapes of waterfalls and the like operate on such theories. Spend some time near the falls to enable the brain to assimilate the visual and auditory stimuli and allow the effect to kick in. This is important when you listen to such tapes too; it takes some time to get the desired effect.

Wait patiently and allow Nature to relax you. Remove the mental barrier that we are keeping, drop the guard off, and allow the Universal energy to engulf us.
  • Nature...lush greenery, the lullaby of the flowing river, sound of music of the forest, waterfalls, nothing else will recharge the tired mind, body, and soul in a natural and better way!
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Monday 5 May 2014

Negotiation, an art

This book gave me valuable insights into the many facets of the art of negotiation. I added this very informative book to my library some years ago during one of my travels. Being a small book I could finish it within a few hours. Very interesting read!

Herb Cohen is an expert in negotiation. His biography mentions many high profile clients who have availed his expertise in their negotiations.

Rules are the product of negotiations but then they can also be subjected to negotiation. It does not mean that you cannot put forward an application even after the deadline. I have many experiences in life where the so-called deadlines have been broken by the same authority who made those deadlines initially. There is no harm in negotiating to get what you want! Cohen is right :)

It is easy to say 'no' through email and telephone but it is difficult to say 'no' face-to-face. So take advantage of this if you are a hard negotiator.

Escalate the matter with somebody higher up and you can see dramatic changes happening. The problem is we do not try. We are psyched into following rulebooks. We are habitually reluctant to negotiate.

Be persistent! We may have to run from pillar to post but that finally will get us the reward even if it was tiny! Do not just sit idle doing nothing thinking that the rules and decisions are final. Nothing in life is static, there is fluidity everywhere, today's wrong is tomorrow's right. In our place there is a saying, ' The baby who cries more gets the milk first'! 

Cohen who knows very well the intricacies and complexities of the corporate world seems to be knowing a thing or two how things work in organizations and this book is a valuable read for ordinary people like us who is under the impression that everything is black and white in the present day world, having no experience with the so-called grey areas.

If I see a board or sign and if I am in a situation where I think negotiation will work I surely will try. Mixed results but there were many positive outcomes ðŸ˜Š Thanks for the book😊
Thanks, Cohen!

Some of his famous quotes :

"You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.” 

“No' is a reaction, not a position. The people who react negatively to your proposal simply need time to evaluate it and adjust their thinking. With the passage of sufficient time and repeated efforts on your part, almost every 'no' can be transformed into a 'maybe' and eventually a 'yes'.
  • Always be persistent if you believe that what you are trying to achieve is right. Listen to your gut feelings, act accordingly, boost yourself! Rules and regulations are made by human beings like you and like you, they also have feelings and in that case, negotiations are possible. Nothing called dead ends exist anywhere!
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